That a really clever plane though. It's like a Concord except the cockpit doesn't move and the nose slides higher and the colour stays level. Of you look closely you'll see how it works.basically the nose slips up upfront of the cockpit
It looks ugly, but it was actually a genius design because the nose was just a continuous cone when folded up and it was] super aerodynamic (once the nose went up.) It slid in perfectly.. kinda a cool idea!
Idk it’s just the nose, and the type of cockpit. It just goes together.
Personally, it looks so cool. The style.
ugliest cockpit ..yes ..but the aircraft itself is amazing
lol Russian valkyrie
I kinda wanna make it now.
That a really clever plane though. It's like a Concord except the cockpit doesn't move and the nose slides higher and the colour stays level. Of you look closely you'll see how it works.basically the nose slips up upfront of the cockpit
It reminds me from steam locomotives.
@SimpleFlow looks like a flying locomotive
aerodynamic af
No any of my planes are the worlds ugliest cockpits
It looks ugly, but it was actually a genius design because the nose was just a continuous cone when folded up and it was] super aerodynamic (once the nose went up.) It slid in perfectly.. kinda a cool idea!
Thanks @SimpleFlow
K @SimpleFlow
Do this

One sec
Wha did you delete the reply?
How do you post an image without it being a link
Wasn't expecting that!
RIP my sanity
Thats the closest you can get to killing something with a lightsaber right now. :P lol @SimpleFlow
@SimpleFlow k