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It's my one year anniversary!!!

42.4k Supercraft888  8.1 years ago

One year anniversary

Yes, you read the title right, it has been one year since I have started simple planes! One whole year! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has helped me on my journey to this moment, every comment, upvote, creation, and just everything you guys have given me, I thank you for. I can't believe that I've come this far, from my first airplane to where I am now, having no idea about planes to, well, actually I still have no idea, but that doesn't matter. What matters is the people that have helped me to get here, and that's you guys.

There are many people I would like to thank, but these people are one ones I would like to specifically thank.

He was with me since the very beginning, when I started out, he was one of the first people to truly help me, he showed me around the simpleplanes community, taught me how to improve my building, if it wasn't for him, I may still be building with blocks. I also remember him for being one of the few PC players that didn't use XML or any modding of that kind.

This guy is one of the people that I started off with, I really like him, and he inspired a lot of my builds, his gliders are what I, and a lot of you probably remember him by, but I also remember him for being there with since the beginning.

This one has faded from history, but I remember him, I believe he was the first person I collaborated with, and, made a successor of. And although he may be gone from the simpleplanes community, I still remember him as a freind who always had my back, I just with he was still here today.

FrankieB was one of the people I looked up to a lot, his airliner builds were so detailed in my opinion it made me want to make my own super detailed planes, he was also the person that collaborated with on one of my favourite, if not all time favourite planes, the B-52 bomber Frankie and i made. To this day I still consider it one of my greatest accomplishments.

One of the first gunmakers I found out about, he has made some of the best firearms in my opinion, he has inspired me to make firearms and has probably paved the way (along with the next person) for the world of firearms on simpleplanes. I also appreciate that I ended up on his list of great gunmakers!

One of the newer people I've truly grown to like, I love his gun builds and planes, he has a unique style of building the most detailed replicas I've seen and if you haven't checked out his stuff you definitely need to now, or well after you've finished reading

This guy is my go to guy for all my XML needs, he is a really nice person and actually puts up with my bullc**p and I thank him for that. If you need any XML help then you know who to call.

oDDD was one of the first people I would always go to for XML help, it's a shame he had to leave the community, I also remember how my F-15 was featured on his YouTube channel, so, thanks bud!!!

It is these people that I want to thank the most for being there for me, and for just being, my favorite people on SimplePlanes, mind you these are the people that I just pop into my mind when I need inspiration or just advice.

But, I want to thank all of you still for being with me, and I know I say that a lot, thank you, but it's true, I thank you because I really mean it. So from the bottom of my heart thank you and have a good day, Supercraft888 signing off.

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    Oh, okay then

    8.1 years ago
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    17.5k Benny3053

    @Supercraft888 thank u m8 so nice from you:-))))

    8.1 years ago
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    Thanks mate, I'm basically saying you a good person and people should look at your planes

    8.1 years ago
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    17.5k Benny3053

    @Supercraft888 Boah,thanks man, thats so nicceee from you m8, i dont know a wort for it(im german) ;-))

    8.1 years ago
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    It's you! I haven't heard from you in months! I have a request. Would you like to collab?

    8.1 years ago
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    29.2k destroyerP

    Great job now is me next (probably not)

    8.1 years ago
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    I didn't know what to say, but, ummm yeah, thanks!

    8.1 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @Supercraft888 Hi.

    8.1 years ago
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    Hmmmmm, gold?

    8.1 years ago
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    8.1 years ago