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Stuck in a rut, I'm a noob, what has happened to me.

3,931 JackTheBestBoss  8.1 years ago

This sucks, plain old sucks. I've been playing for 8 months and I can't make anything good. And everything good I make comes from a lot of help and they do most of the work. Some people have been malting planes for 2 months and there are already gold. I don't know what to do.

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    Ok thx, I'll check out your builds@MrSilverWolf

    8.1 years ago
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    @JackTheBestBoss no problem! And if you need a Boeing, Bombardier or a Lufthansa logo, I have some you can use

    8.1 years ago
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    Well thank you, I appreciate it@MrSilverWolf

    8.1 years ago
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    Your planes are actually pretty good! If you think that's not good maybe take more time in making the nose for example, take more time making that the way you want, and again try to add more details if you think it's not enough, and same thing spend as much time as possible to get it the way you want, and it also helps to take what build you think is a perfect build and tear it apart to see how that user made that aircraft/boat/car etc and then try to mimic/replicate what they did on that build, and if you want to take some of my builds and use parts off that, I hope that helped!

    8.1 years ago
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    Thx you all@drdoom222 @XxcreedexX @Spinnes

    8.1 years ago
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    1,757 VanNate

    Don't cry over spilled milk.

    8.1 years ago
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    8.1 years ago
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    Well thank you, and true, true@KDS

    8.1 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    You want my honest opinion? here it is: Your builds are really good. It takes luck to get gold and all that as well as good building skills. Some get lucky others don't. It also helps if you go be social on the community with Higher ranking users who will most likely go give you feedback as well. Complaining like just hurts you and I would say you take this down and remember: these points don't affect your real life, it's just a game. So go be social and keep doing what your doing. You might go farther then sitting here complaining on the forums nobody likes you. Not trying to hurt or offend you but that is the truth.

    8.1 years ago
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    8.1 years ago