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need help please help me

287 Thees  8.1 years ago

how to do modding ,if you known please send me the download link or the website address


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    There are two different things that are considered modding here. There's XML editing, that allows for far more precise building, and Unity modding, which is more difficult, and serves for making new parts, maps, and map add-ons. Installing existing Unity mods is quite easy. On most devices, just download a mod and click on it. For XML editing, I would recommend downloading Overload mod from the "Mod" section of the site.

    8.1 years ago
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    I'm an IOS user, so I can't download mods and I don't know exactly what this mod is like, but i heard that it's extremely helpful: FineTuner it basically allows you to edit a bunch of XML stuff very easily. Hope this helps

    8.1 years ago