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Aircraft rotates when I pitch up and down?

21.7k TheWeaver  8.2 years ago

Hey everyone, I imagine that this is an issue that many of you have experienced before as well. I've been working on a new plane, and it will fly perfectly, and then after the addition of just some seemingly irrelevant pieces, the plane will roll as I pitch up/down.

Now this wouldn't be so perplexing if this didn't occur: even after I undo the pieces that I placed, and try to fly again, the problem remains. Does anyone know what could lead to this happening? I have a perfectly good looking plane, ready to be published, but it no longer flies well because of this.

What causes an aircraft to roll when it is being pitched? Is it weight imbalance? Center of Mass? Airfoils? Any help would be awesome. The subcutaneous tissue of my scalp will soon be exposed due to my excessive head scratching.

Also since I don't know who else specifically to reach out to, @AndrewGarrison @EternalDarkness @TheLatentImage @DestinyAviation

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    300 S1lly

    Hello from the future

    4 months ago
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    62.1k TheMouse

    How did you get here? This is sacred ground!

    one year ago
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    21.7k TheWeaver

    @Mousewithamachinegun123 Wow, crazy lol

    one year ago
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    62.1k TheMouse

    And this is way to the future of when you posted your answers!

    +1 one year ago
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    2,911 mojoyup

    I know this is way in the future of the post, but I just encountered the same issue. It is COL. not rule out keeping the dihedral less than 50% of wing areas. The wings are likely the main culprit in these situations due to the control surfaces having a direct relationship to them. Detach all wings and manually re-attach.

    6.3 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    I've encountered this many times myself. If your parts are attached to the wings, especially if you mirrored them to the opposite wing, the attach points on the two sides might be different, which can cause this asymmetry. I would detach the parts from both sides and re-attach them manually (it's easier than one would think to get them in the correct position), check the coordinates with Fine Tuner Mod to make sure they've attached at the correct locations, then nudge them exactly where you need them to go.

    8.2 years ago
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    1,762 ThatOnion

    @TheWeaver @EternalDarkness if the drag problem persists to multiple parts try detaching and rotating the plane a few times, as for the roll thing: idk

    8.2 years ago
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    Happens to me all the time. No idea how to fix it though. Sorry! @Avro683Lancaster

    8.2 years ago
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    21.7k TheWeaver

    Works for me, I'll have access to the Internet tomorrow. What ever results this yields, I appreciate you looking at it. @EternalDarkness

    8.2 years ago
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    @TheWeaver you can tag me on unlisted upload, so that I can try to pinpoint the exact cause of the problem. I don't have the time now, but I'll be free tomorrow.

    8.2 years ago
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    @TheWeaver the drag glitch is difficult, sometimes impossible to work around. That glitch appeared on my delta fighter (it's a magnet for bugs), but on drop tanks. Because of that, I recommended detaching the tanks on the runway. Sometimes, the glitch appears on parts that are not supposed to be removable. Then it's a problem. Try remaking those parts using a different technique if possible. It might work. On the other hand, the fact that you only get roll when pitching can mean two things. It's caused by either uneven mass or deflection angles of control surfaces not being equal. The second possible cause happens if you tempered with deflection angles via XML and didn't make them even on both sides. Also a problem I had on that delta fighter.

    8.2 years ago
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    21.7k TheWeaver

    I messed around with CoM for a while, don't think it's that (unless it is ghost mass). And I have encountered drag glitch before, it was showing up on the plane in question.

    Two of the exact same fuselage parts on each wing, one had a ton of drag, one had none. So I remade them and everything, but it still occurs in new places every time I fix the problem. Man. This is killing me. @EternalDarkness

    8.2 years ago
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    The problem might be caused by two things. One is "drag glitch". It makes perfectly symmetrical parts have different drag. The second one, and my prime suspect here, is "mass glitch". I have never heard of anyone complaining about it, but it happened to me once, on the delta fighter you commented on earlier. It shifts CoM to the side, even though the plane is symmetrical. I think it happens as a ghost mass from a deleted part. To check this, turn on drag and CoM/CoL/CoT view. Offset of CoM might be barely noticable. Fix it by adding/removing mass or fuel. Drag glitch can be fixed by removing troublesome parts and re-making them.

    8.2 years ago
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    I'm sorry I cant help I don't know how to fix this myself

    8.2 years ago
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    21.4k RedHawk

    Send me a link to an unlisted version of the plane

    8.2 years ago
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    21.7k TheWeaver

    Ohh. Thanks. Never have posted here before.. @Avro683Lancaster

    +1 8.2 years ago
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    And, @DestinyAviation

    8.2 years ago
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    As tags in posts don't work, @AndrewGarrison @EternalDarkness @TheLatentImage

    8.2 years ago