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Looms guide #2 or is it #3

1,878 Mrloominati  8.2 years ago

Right firstly sorry for the cheesy title or name but I'm not in the creative mood right now. So I'll just stick to it. If you can come up with anything better which you probably can because I'm crap, plz do.

Nevertheless, I'm very good at getting carried away in posts but I promise I won't drone on until the next millennium. What I will attempt to explain for the newer users is a question that I don't see all that much but you see it floating around occasionally so for those people I dedicate this post to.

What were gonna talk about how to do is how to change your hangar, or where you design, hate, curse, fix and do a hoorah everytime something actually goes to plan on your design.

To do this. You will need;

  • A phone
  • and simple planes
  • and internet

First jump onto the mods page

And if you'd like to know how I just put that funny blue writing to paste links'n'stuff visit this

Getting carried away again. Soz.

As I was saying. Go to the mods page.
Next browse through and you'll occasionally see a picture with a car or plane on it with a background that looks like a map. However it is a hangar one. They are typically or sometimes labeled BG which stands for background. Some good ones are Gestour or Tully2001 or ian8811964 or ctracerx2

There are most of the guys who make backgrounds.

Now the next thing you might wanna know how to do is this or mine which is the same your probably wondering how to mash 2 backgrounds into 1 to make that awesome background. Well it's not that difficult. It's so easy even I can do it..... to do it just make sure both backgrounds are enabled in the mods section of the game. If you don't know much about mods check this this and this and yes, if your wondering I'm linking 1 of my posts because I'm a cheeky c**t

And yeah that's it. I'll let you mish mash, mix and match, backgrounds. Go on, get on with it.