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Agile planes

829 LeanOG  8.1 years ago

I need some tips on how to make really sleek and agile planes that can maneuver quickly I just need some tips and if some one can make a example plane for me I will appreciate it ??????

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    3,753 Ezri

    The maneuverability of your plane depends on control surfaces, and also the closeness of you center of lift to you center of mass. If they are close together, then your aircraft will be more unstable, but turn like lightning. Sometimes, if your aircraft has a lot of wing surface area, and is stable in flight already, having the center of mass close to the center of lift will not effect it's maneuverability. You can also just make larger control surfaces to have it turn better. Also, the faster your aircraft is, the better it will turn.

    8.1 years ago