Give your suggestions down below,maybe your suggestion will be the next!so i'm doing this because i dont have any ideas right now, this will beneficiate both you and me, me building your stuff, and you getting what you want.
Don't spam me with the suggestion of one single plane
I don't do cars o any kind of boat because it's not my fort.
I Dont do XML modding here
Be creative.
Ok @Dynamicneedle
@JordanPlayz101 thats better it will be in creation process soon
Or a f-14 @Dynamicneedle
@JordanPlayz101 I don't like doing big things
What about a DC-9@Dynamicneedle
@JordanPlayz101 i don't like doing those things they make me nervous...
Do a 737-700
@RedHawk Got it!
Northrop n102 fang