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paint patterns

5,123 shadowmaker108  8.1 years ago

Some people make their own paint patterns by using very small modded pieces of fuelslage or some other method. I think it would be awesome if you could have a button in the paint menu that could turn on camouflage patterns. With which we are able to change the color scheme with paint on the patterns without having to go through the trouble of modded parts to add camoflauge.

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    That does make sense although I think it would be pretty useful. Maybee make it so that if u use it u cant upload it?

    8.1 years ago
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    @shadowmaker108 because it shows you have skill, and if this was added then it would make tons of planes useless/over added parts

    8.1 years ago
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    I don't understand why you would disagree since all it would add is different patterns of camouflages in which you can alter the colors to and apply to your fuselages all you want. I think it would prove very useful and neat. I came upon this suggestion idea due to the MC 202 Folgore's camoflage and how complicated that would be if I used parts in IOS or any other mobile device. If you can please explain why you disagree if you have the time. @MechWARRIOR57

    8.1 years ago
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    I disagree

    8.1 years ago
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    543 MalfeTube

    I agree...

    8.1 years ago