Well, a while back I posted a green plane, but it flew horribly. So I'm remaking it.
Why does photo no work for me? ):
I might rebuild the wings, make them more spitfirey....
I hope to add detail and make cockpit view better and improve all together.
@MLG26 slowly. I had to go to places, so I couldn't do much, apart from balancing
Have you tried making the vertibird fly better?@Swiftsure
@Swiftsure dont ask how cause i have no idea how lol
@Swiftsure it flew and looked like a pancake
@RealQcan lol
@Swiftsure ah. Had that happen to one of my own builds. Was gonna be a recon drone but turned out to be a flying pancake. No joke.
@RealQcan i rebuilt the wings, going for a alien-human mix plane. Sort of weird, the plan fell apart
@Swiftsure I do see that zero in it
@RealQcan yeah. It was based off the zero
It's really cool tho. Looks like a mustang and a spit combined almost
@Swiftsure oh lol
@RealQcan dunno. Wad ya think?
@Swiftsure why did you tag me?