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Need help

18.9k JustPancake  8.2 years ago

How to tilt all the details of construction together at the same time? Can Fine Tuner do this? If it can, how to do it?

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    18.9k JustPancake

    @ChiChiWerx @WeeBabySeamus , thanks, it's working!!!!!!!!

    8.2 years ago
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    it should say Version 0.905 in the mod description in game.

    8.2 years ago
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    @JustPancake you have to delete the previous fine tuner mod folder and reinstall the new version of the mod. Double check in the mod screen the version number in simpleplanes.

    8.2 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    Yes, Fine Tuner does this. It's called Multi-Select. When you open fine tuner, you'll see the "Multi-Select" box in the lower part of the dialogue box. Select that (you'll see the box turn to "Multi-Edit") then click the parts you want to select. They'll turn clear. When you select all your parts, then hit "Multi-Edit", use the X, Y, Z parameters to tilt any way you like. Then hit "Finish" and your parts will be tilted. You can also move parts as a group this way. I haven't figured out about rescaling multiple parts; while I can do them one at a time, when I try to resize multiple parts, it doesn't work. Fine Tuner is a bit glitchy, if you don't do everything in the correct sequence, it won't progress. I simply hit "Save", then I exit SP and re-enter to get back to where I was.

    8.2 years ago
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    18.9k JustPancake

    @WeeBabySeamus , help please.

    8.2 years ago