I have only seen 2 so far but i'm just giving an eary warning XD. Now i know this is the internet but on my plane list is it okay if we don't say bad words and cuss just on my planes?
I have only seen 2 so far but i'm just giving an eary warning XD. Now i know this is the internet but on my plane list is it okay if we don't say bad words and cuss just on my planes?
Native language insult war (sort of)? I arrived too late to join.
@MechWARRIOR57 @ThatOnion Its okay and i know mech but thx tho.
@MechWARRIOR57 just realised that. I bad at the spellz
no its not you said dummkof not dummkoft you forgot the T at the end lol @ThatOnion
@MechWARRIOR57 srry bout that, thee typo was fixed
@volt0 Oh, lol. I misread what you said, sorry m8
that's not how you spell idiot in german its dummkoft @ThatOnion
@volt0 idiot/stupid is
a swear word@MechWARRIOR57 Thx mech. But @ThatOnion Could we please try and do what this said on my planes?
Hello dummkoft (german)(jk, u smart)
he said sh*t in dutch @volt0
@Konade1 What do you mean?
Use a swear word in a another language, stront!
@ChiChiWerx Thats what i mean thx for the support. And @MechWARRIOR57 Sure you can! You can say whatever you like as long as it's not in my planes please. Thx. :)
nah we can say crap
You're supposed to keep it clean on SP, it's in the rules, so I wouldn't worry about it here. If someone uses inappropriate language, they get a warning. If they persist, they could get banned.