If you mod cockpits you can shape them like other objects and build a plane out of them. Issues with this: weight, weird corners when blocks are adjacent to each other, and they can also only take one hit when damaged. If all cockpits were primary, your aircraft could be invincible. P.S. there is a mod by Guestor (I think that is his name...right? ) who did that. its called Invincible Parts.
@Joco80 Thanks, but is there a way to do on fuselage blocks, because before that type of armor I have seen modded fuselage blocks that are used as armor
@Swiftsure Overload is xml, but without going into the games files
you can type health="what ever number you want to set the health at" when modding a fuselage block.
@MaximusTheMinimus Thanks, also I think the name Geustor for the guy who created the Invincible parts mod.
If you mod cockpits you can shape them like other objects and build a plane out of them. Issues with this: weight, weird corners when blocks are adjacent to each other, and they can also only take one hit when damaged. If all cockpits were primary, your aircraft could be invincible. P.S. there is a mod by Guestor (I think that is his name...right? ) who did that. its called Invincible Parts.
@Konade1 I know...if you look below I gave him the same link...
@Joco80 link
@Joco80 Thanks
You could possibly copy the whole code for the parachute and put it into a fuselage... @Patrick20206
@Swiftsure Thanks for the help.
@Patrick20206 well, genrichtitov and spefyjerbf have some works of armour you can use.
@Joco80 Thanks, but is there a way to do on fuselage blocks, because before that type of armor I have seen modded fuselage blocks that are used as armor
@Swiftsure Overload is xml, but without going into the games files
Isn't overload use XML? I'm just a hopeless iOS user
https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/C3g4s3/Armor-Concept Look there...
@MechWARRIOR57 I have save builds that used armor that only works against bullets.
you cant