You'll see what I mean link---->
Unlike America we Russian's don't mess around when some random person walks on our private property
2,470 Smasher
8.1 years ago
@MasonJ you may need to check your fact's
@MasonJ who's a kid
@EliteIndustries1 @HellFireKoder basically high caliber and more accurate
@HellFireKoder all I'm saying is most Russian's don't use shotguns but machine guns or marksman rifle's
@Smasher I have difficulty believing real Russians are that wasteful of bullets and time.
@EliteIndustries1 in Russia they'd turn you pulp using a machine gun then bury what's left of you in a can PS I'm mainly pointing out Russian farmers
@MechWARRIOR57 and why I never walk on private property
@MechWARRIOR57 its intended as a joke
this is offensive