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Test Driver Wanted/ Clan For Car Builders

10.2k emptybox  8.1 years ago

this post is about two things. the first is that i spend alot of time building an offroad car and i want to make it really really good( by that i mean make it much fun to drive) . to get the best out of the car i already built i need some test drivers who should give me a very detailed feedback. they may also help with the fine tuning and improve it themself if they want. what i want is that they spot weak points wich can be improved. if you are interested write it in the comments. i will tag you then.

the second thing is that i wish there would be something like a clan for car builders. this was just an idea but it could bring a lot of benefits for car builders. there could be a better part or subassembly exchange (i think its pretty hard to find something you want and need between all those planes). Cars and vehicles could be tested and rated by other clan members befor you finally upload them to public to make sure you get the best out of your build and you can improve it to the max (often creations have some problems wich are easy to fix but they just get spotted when your creation is public and then its to late to overdo it and when you make a second version it mostly gets no attention because it seems to be just a copy).
one way to make that happen could be that we create a profile wich represents us all ( the car builder) where we all have the administrator rights for that profile (i think that the simple planes cummunity is so awsome that it will work). we could upload our vehicles without public access and tag the clan. so the clan can publish them and maybe they get more attention.

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    9,713 Paper

    Ok I tagged you! @emptybox

    7.7 years ago
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    9,713 Paper

    Ok @emptybox

    7.7 years ago
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    10.2k emptybox

    You can tag me
    I'll do my best :)

    7.7 years ago
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    9,713 Paper

    Oh.. so that explains why you've been gone.
    Hey I'm building something currently if you want I'll make a private post and tag you, maybe you can tell me some tips?@emptybox

    7.7 years ago
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    10.2k emptybox

    Thanks a lot :) currently I can't build cause my pc keeps crashing

    7.7 years ago
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    9,713 Paper

    @emptybox I admire your posts very much and I would be honored to help you with your cars, rally cars, and such. And I love the idea of the clan system, I agree with the fact that creations often have problems that usually aren't spotted until you release them, and so I got thinking let's make a club/clan! Please tag me when you read this, and if you want I'll tag you, thanks and have a nice summer!

    7.8 years ago
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    1,579 Lizarddragon

    I'll be a test driveris that OK?

    8.1 years ago
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    I wish i could do it but im only on mobile and im very bad at making my own creations but GOOD LUCK

    8.1 years ago
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    2,414 taze95

    @emptybox no problem tag me

    8.1 years ago
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    10.2k emptybox

    Cool! I'll tag you. But I have to say that I want to publish it the next days. So it would be nice if you write in the next days

    8.1 years ago
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    2,414 taze95

    @emptybox i can help you for all chassis and suspencion systeme what do you want sorry for my english

    8.1 years ago
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    375 TurklerRS

    @emptybox oh ok rip me

    8.1 years ago
  • Profile image
    10.2k emptybox

    Over 700 Parts

    8.1 years ago
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    375 TurklerRS

    Me can help testing unless you don't give me something 1k parts or sumtin

    8.1 years ago