TC9 has achieved the lowest drag points ever, with only 25. So it will be fitting to make it a standard in the plane design.
New Class: Sea Star Vector
-A thrust vectoring plane lmao
TC9 has achieved the lowest drag points ever, with only 25. So it will be fitting to make it a standard in the plane design.
New Class: Sea Star Vector
-A thrust vectoring plane lmao
@TheRedStormer Check my TC8 out m8
@Alienbeef0421 oh ok. That's still pretty good! With or with out modding?
@Flightsonic ayy lmao
@Alienbeef0421 ah, I'm sorry for raining on your parade lol
@Alienbeef0421 Oh, lol. Thought you were talking about overall.
@TheRedStormer @ThatOnion @Flightsonic
My personal best, actually. I was talking in behalf of AlienIndustries :P
Did you just say 25 is the lowest ever achieved drag? I have made a 2 drag glider and have seen 0 drag ones too.
@Flightsonic thx
@ThatOnion there it is
@ThatOnion I'll see if I can find it, may take a minute
@Flightsonic Well then, i want to see that plane... I was close though.
@ThatOnion nope, it was actually 0 by theFalloutPlayr (I believe it was him)
Actually, the lowest number of drag points ever is 3