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On the topic of upvoting newbies.

47 AtomicPlanes  8.0 years ago

Lately I have been noticing that smaller aircraft creators have little to no upvotes. I scroll through the new aircraft section of the site and see tens upon tens of planes with no recognition. I check one or two and see a few downloads, but no upvotes or comments. I encourage the simpleplanes community to look at these new planes and upvote one or two to bring on a new generation of aircraft creators. This encouragement will drive them to become better and the community as a whole to become better. Thanks...

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    375 TurklerRS

    Most of them dont fly tho

    8.0 years ago
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    2,689 Swiftsure

    But most are stupid, or copies. A plane with 80 guns Is stupid.

    8.0 years ago
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    I do have to agree, there are a few really good builder that do get over looked

    8.0 years ago
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    (Warning! Wall of text! Sorry!)

    those two comments below, that and a lot of them are planes that have been made 4,000 times in the last month, so what's the point of checking out the 4,000 and first P-51 mustang, made out of 40 parts, and other planes like that, it's not just the P-51 that has the same problem, planes such as the A-10, Dash-8/Q400, Cessna 172, and there are quite a few others too, I can spend all day listing the planes that if you search for will give you 10 pages of that certain plane, (all the planes I mentioned if search in the plane search tab, all have ten pages), long story short, people generally want to see planes that haven't been made 14 million times they want to see planes with high detail and agian haven't been made 14 million times, planes such as the Let-410, Air Tractor etc, I hope that didn't come out rude or mean, I'm just giving an opinion on why some planes get upvotes and others don't, me personally I do go through the newest tab to try to find those sort of cool never really built before planes

    8.0 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    Well. As a used to ve big user who is now a medium user let me say this,
    There is a build standard quality each player looks for. The standard varies player by player. But the main look for is still the same. People look for a plane that looks good. Not funtions good. A lot of these builds don't match these standards or are simply skipped over. I actively try to seek out good builders who don't get much attention. But all of the varieables can be confusing.
    Upload time,
    Build quality,
    Activity in the community.

    8.0 years ago