Greetings! I have just spent the last 8hrs making a replica of something I travel on to and from places on a daily basis. The Mk II Carriage. First used in 1964 and still used today. Find out more on the Wikipedia page
__Real Version__
__My Replica__
When it's finished it will be 64ft long, whereas now it's only 32ft long and the current part count it 2574...So this is going to kill my PC's CPU lol
I feel like once this is posted someone's gonna go on a mp server with this and blow it up..... just saying
part count? oh and btw you can actually make the lamps lights that turn on and off. if you need any help with something just let me know. ive finished my latest project!
@PlanesOfOld All that is XML modded with my PC :)
@MeetThyDoom nice looks just like the real deal! I reccoment PC version, it will help A LOTwith this lol!!!!
@Avro683Lancaster @SkullsAndCrossbones @RailfanEthan @jamesPLANESii Glad you like it! Lol
Haha, thanks! My processor clocks at 2.7Ghz and I haven't got an external graphics card installed, so I think most of you should be able to cope with the part count! It just depends if I can finish the build before it melts my Proccessor LOL @MrSilverWolf
It looks almost exactly the real one to, it looks amazing!
2,574 parts! Rip everyone's computers
@PlanesOfOld Sorry for tagging you but I know how much you love British things, although this may be bit modern for you lol.