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629 Sakari  8.0 years ago

Can you help us iOS users by adding multiplayer and make iOS and android (mobile) devices connect via Bluetooth or something it's ok if it just connects normally, also PLZ MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR IOS TO GET MODS :(
Hope you see this devs :(

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    First of all mod support will never come to iOS because it is a much more closed source system then android. Second of all there are mods for "Apple" as you keep calling them, they are avalible for the Mac line of computers. As for getting mods on the iOS devices, sorry but you would have to jailbreak your device for that. That would void your warranty as well, and their are just not enough people willing to do that to make support be a common thing. Just spend the extra $10 and get it on computer, it is much better.

    8.0 years ago
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    1,762 ThatOnion

    Holee Christ, take a bloody hint! It. Wont. Happen.


    8.0 years ago
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    7,870 RealQcan


    8.0 years ago
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    There will never be multiplayer or mods for iOS, iOS can't handle multiplayer, and not having mods isn't a developer thing it's a apple thing, apple has a policy about mods so you can't get any mods on an iPad, iPod etc, you can get mods for android though

    8.0 years ago
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    It's not going to happen, mods on iOS is not possible because of apple

    8.0 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    It's not happening
    Multiplayer will kill iOS devices for this game, they even said it willl not happen and you will have to download the mod.
    Mods will never come to iOS because of Applies policy's. Thats not the devs faults. Purchase the Android or Steam version of SP then you can.

    8.0 years ago