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Piston engines...

22.6k Visify  8.1 years ago

Ive seen alot of piston driven engine designs lately and I was thinking how do you get more power out of them? And as I try to mod them to spin faster it just glitches out.. Im trying to make a piston driven plane but I just cant get the engines to spin faster enough.. Maybe one day..

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    2,966 tiltglory


    7.1 years ago
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    @Visify neat. mine also have the problem of randomly switching direction, no clue how to fix it

    8.1 years ago
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    22.6k Visify

    @AeroEngineering Those look promising, I'm currently working on something special too

    8.1 years ago
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    Ive recently been experimenting with similar ideas for similar reasons, these are all I have. I think a radial engine may not have the sudden reversing problem, but Im not sure how to build one

    8.1 years ago
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    22.6k Visify

    @goboygo1 I actually tried with a simple transmission, but as the engine needs to work harder it tends to suddenly change direction :/

    8.1 years ago
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    28.4k goboygo1


    8.1 years ago
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    22.6k Visify

    @EliteIndustries1 Ah, sounds cool! well i can help whenever u need

    8.1 years ago
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    22.6k Visify

    @EliteIndustries1 Well gl, Id be surprised if someone actually gets it to work. Simpleplanes just seems to glitch out when it comes to piston engines lol.
    Btw what do u mean by community project?

    8.1 years ago