im trying everything to just simply change a vtol nozzles exhaust color and size. but whatever i change it does not apply and im very annoyed because ive been trying this for days now and i only created an account to make this post.
im trying everything to just simply change a vtol nozzles exhaust color and size. but whatever i change it does not apply and im very annoyed because ive been trying this for days now and i only created an account to make this post.
No problem. :) @Hugo1plays
@KDS yeah, i updated my bio on my profile. thanks to anyone that upvoted. that was really fast!
Hey congrats on bronze! That was fast! :)
(Tip: when you put the @ symbol in front of someones name like i'm doing with yours. @Hugo1plays then that person will get a notification you responded)
I use Overload/Fine Tuner for my modding needs. Basically the engine changes the power and stuff like that. The nozzle can change exhaust color. It takes fiddling with.
you mean the blasto vtol or the vtol nozzle? i changed the exhaust color of the vtol nozzle itself... i believe the file name for the vtol nozzle in the xml file is "thrustport 1" or something. the problem is it has never been explained what part has what filename.
You need to XML the VTOL engine.... you can scale the nozzle as normal though....