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6,349 AfterShock  8.0 years ago

If you upvote my builds you should leave a comment so it makes it easier for me to thank you :)

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    True @EternalDarkness

    8.0 years ago
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    6,349 AfterShock

    That's true but most people who upvote my stuff leave comments plus I don't get as many upvotes as you do @EternalDarkness

    8.0 years ago
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    @AfterShock I know that, but I also know my mindset when I'm on an upvote spree. "This guy is my friend, he gets an upvote.", "I didn't upvote this guy in quite a while, but I used to like his old builds, so...", "This looks interesting. No time to test it, so I'll just leave my upvote here."... I believe that there are many others that do the same. If they cared for my build, they would have left a comment. Also, I don't really care about upvotes. They are nice, but I'm more into comments, especially those with feedback. Then I know that somebody actually likes my build, and I know what I should improve to make the next one even better. Many users are playing a social game on the site. Trying to communicate with everyone, to appear as friendly as they can, following trends, just to score more points. I like to think that my skill is the only source of my points. There are many more reasons for me to dislike thanking for upvotes, also including the fact that I consider "Thanks" comment filling up my notifications spam.

    8.0 years ago
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    6,349 AfterShock

    People upvote because they like your builds and if people like my builds I thank them. A lot of other users in 50k thank each of their upvoters @EternalDarkness

    8.0 years ago
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    You are thanking people for every upvote? I always only thanked people on reviews. Those who won't even bother to give me opinion about my build, don't get a "Thank you".

    8.0 years ago
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    6,349 AfterShock

    Thanks :) @EliteIndustries1

    8.0 years ago