No! I made it! You know what?! I need your help, if you have roblox, add KillShot86. I have the rights to owning it since I made it, like over a year ago on this website... but really, I need your help
No! I made it! You know what?! I need your help, if you have roblox, add KillShot86. I have the rights to owning it since I made it, like over a year ago on this website... but really, I need your help
Yes @1gman4evr
@KillShot86 Sniper16?
And I just wanted the SNAA to have roleplays like on minecraft, Roblox, or something like that @MechWARRIOR57
And now they don't have to worry about being in the SNAA, it's all on here @MechWARRIOR57
I thought they were friends, but they aren't @MechWARRIOR57
ok so? @KillShot86
No not just Roblox @TheGuyYouMightKnow @RailfanEthan
It's the South North American Army... I have mentioned that TONS of times on here... I started it on here @MechWARRIOR57
@RailfanEthan R O B L O X
I saw that, I play the game but I don't know what the SNAA is @RailfanEthan
what is the SNAA?