I've been tinkering with a few larger aircraft as of late, and I've come across something that continues to vex me that I no not the cure for.
Wing wobble.
When I pull up, dive or change my pitch at all, the wings warp. It makes it impossible to trim and turn properly.
Is there any reliable, simple way to stop wing-wobble?
I've tried braces-- those don't work.
I've tried changing the size-- now I don't get what I need out of the wing.
I've tried changing the angle of the wing-- that didn't work.
I've tried running connected braces through the wings, connecting to a hard-point/anchor on either end -- the wing doesn't attach!
It's driving me nuts!
I was struggling with wing problems too so thanks for posting this also keep on going don't quit
Toxic comment section
Quit engaging on my post, lads. If you really wanna' go, fight elsewhere. I really don't care about any of this and I'm tired of getting notifications about it, come on.
I see after four years people still feel the need to engage a throwaway account. SP hasn't changed at all, huh, lol.
@TheLatentImage heyo.
@Basedinc How pathetic are you to say this to me, someone you dont know at all. On a post thats nearly 4 and a half years old. Fuck off you little child.
@Basedinc Why so.
@KDS thank you so much
@Feanor thanks
@MechWARRIOR57 Ya'll gotta' start tinkering more :\ Doesn't work? Fix it.
I don't use them for everything dude, I do open my mine but most if not all of my concepts don't work, and you do see that part were I said "there is no other way that I know of" right? @OtterOfToast
@MechWARRIOR57 Here's the thing: I fixed it! WITHOUT MODS! HAH!
If I remember rightly, you said the same thing about a launcher. Did that one, too. Without mods. Open your mind and tinker, man! Mods are kinda' cheap if you use them for everything.
look if you want to fix it yo uhave to use modded wings there is no other way that I know of (maybe no other way at all) to get around it
@AudioDud3 Already figured all that out-- issue is, it's hard to avoid larger wings! Thanks anyway!
@OtterOfToast no problem, anytime.
No problem. ;) @OtterOfToast
@TheOwlAce @KDS @Avro683Lancaster @Delphinus @Feanor
Aye guys It's fixed!! I was able to get the structural wings and fuselage ribs to connect properly! Thank ya'll!
I don't like XML modding on my aircraft. Sorry. @Feanor
No modded pieces for me, sorry. @Delphinus
I've tried, but I suppose I can try again. @Avro683Lancaster
Already on with me own! Thanks tho- @KDS
Already tried that-- the other end of the wing doesn't connect and it still wobbles D: @TheOwlAce
Use fuselages along the wing.
My SS-22 SpaceRobin uses structual wings. You can take them off that.
Put a structural wing on the fuselage, then the main wing on the structural wing
Xml modding. Change the wing-3 on your aircraft to wing-2.