It's because I've been building THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's taken all 3 of those weeks.......
It's not finished yet. I still need to do the livery and stuff. It's very good I know!
It's taken all 3 of those weeks.......
It's not finished yet. I still need to do the livery and stuff. It's very good I know!
XD @drdoom222
I want it... but my kindle runs on a potato...
Multi player! (The multiplayer mod.) @Lizarddragon
@jamesPLANESii what does mp mean in the picture
@Lizarddragon Do this:

How do you post pictures please tell me!!?!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????¿??????????????????????.,..??????????????????????????????????????????????????????¿
Yup! No mass mods! Only an unlimited supply of 2x scaled parts! :D@Treadmill103
Thanks! @Avro683Lancaster
holy crap, that is amazing!
It is a button that lets you download a random plane. They're almost all from 1.3 and before for some reason tho... You can get It in the steam workshop. @Dann810
What is the button next to the play button?
I have tho... @EliteIndustries1
XD @EliteIndustries1