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Collection: Gen 6 Weapons Systems

162k spefyjerbf  8.0 years ago

I have made gen 6 after seeing how sparse my profile's bio was.... most people seem to have massive bios with plenty of info. No worries, I like a short bio anyway.

About Collections. Skip if you just want to get to the weapons.

Since I have a large amount of weapons systems, I have decided, for my sake, to create collections of the systems that I have made through the use of forum posts.

This greatly helps me in helping other users find the perfect weapon that they want to mount on their builds.

"But why are you separating the systems into what will be about 4 forum posts?" I have many reasons for that, and none of them involve maximizing upvotes. My first reason is that I have many of these subassemblies, and many posts about them.... I do not want a huge list of links. That would defeat the purpose of me being able to take a few seconds to find the weapon that I need.
There is a larger reason, too. I won't stop making weapon systems after these posts. I would rather not edit an existing list every time I post a new system. The solution: simply make a new post about a new generation of weapons.

And now for Gen 6.

Gen 6 is really quite hard to generalize. The weapons vary. However, most were designed with utility and part count in mind. So, I guess this generation can be classified by its emphasis on utility and low part count.

Light Piston-Based Spread gun

Heavy Piston-Based Spread Gun (Its the mk2)

This one leaves a trail of damaging energy behind you.

Heavy Vortex Cannon

Flamethrower, blows up stuff and your device with it.

Mara, a CIWS system

Isolator, a convoy killer

EM missile

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    162k spefyjerbf

    @KhaimaKhaiz Thank you! Feel free to check out the newer ones too, they are even better.

    5.0 years ago
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    3 years later and I'm still downloading it. Great job my dude great job

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    15.8k SpicyViper

    Thanks man I have it on my Fighter now and I’ll upload here in a minute once I’ve gotten a backstory planned up for the plane @spefyjerbf

    6.9 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    @SpicyViper Thanks! I don't have many green laser weapons, but I do have this. It's niche in function, so I'm not sure if you will find it too useful.

    6.9 years ago
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    15.8k SpicyViper

    Question, do you have any green colored laser guns because I can’t find any and you seem to make better laser weapons out of everyone else @spefyjerbf

    6.9 years ago
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    2,107 CoBros2

    I like these most of all the builds because they are unique and destructive and look amazing, but the planes and vehicles are good too.

    8.0 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    @FarrowAirlines If it is just being inspired by my style, then there is no need to ask. I am eager to see what you create! Feel free to tag me on whatever build you post.

    In general, there is no need to ask creators about using their style. Parts and sub-assemblies are generally what creators are protective of. Anyways, I appreciate you asking, as it does let me know that you are going to make a build that will interest me.

    8.0 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    @Patrick20206 Thanks! I forgot to add a missile design to this collection. It has been added.

    8.0 years ago