It's sweet beans. Of course I couldn't do the working alone (thanks LatteCoffee55). My iOS device has become similar to a potato, so I assume it won't be 100% mobile friendly.
It's sweet beans. Of course I couldn't do the working alone (thanks LatteCoffee55). My iOS device has become similar to a potato, so I assume it won't be 100% mobile friendly.
@MeetThyDoom Well, I had help from @LatteCoffe55 (to be honest more than me) and I somehow managed to keep my iPad under control. Sorta.
You managed to do that on iOS? That takes skill!
Looks very detailed, can't wait!
No. Legs.png doesn't move, I have wheels.gif. They move and roll.
Nice train suspension 👍🏻
My iPad can't upload anything with more than 200 parts.
that is wow!
vomits from awesomeness