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I found Kraken + Unusual occurrences

16.3k KerbalVehiclesCompany  8.1 years ago

I found the kraken today, too, I got a world map of SP, got the directions and flew to the direction of the Kraken. At first I thought it was a giant island that didn't look like a squid, so I continued on. That was until I saw no islands which means I'm far away from the island chain, so I decided to turn around and head back to Maywar. I thought maybe I neeed to investigate that giant island. It stood out like a sore thumb. I flew towards the island and then, the island rose out of the ground! It has tentacle "islands" also coming out of the sea! They were moving! I was like aaaah and then like woaaahh and so I flew around the island checking it out, but at the same time I found the island I was being stalked by a red twin prop. I swear I'm not in multiplayer and it was an AI. It started stalking me and going behind me and following me. I had a couple near misses with it trying to ram me from the sides and behind. After exploring this island I decided to punch it and fly away to Krakabloa. This plane was still following me, but I eventually lost it because I had a jet engine private jet. So I did final approach to Krakabloa but saw a bomber plane flying overhead. I thought it was no big deal so I landed and at the same time the bomber turned around too, and landed right in front of me. It had no landing gear on but landed in one piece, throttle was at full probably and it was attempting to get away from me but was stuck. I had quite an expedition.

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    No WAY!!

    5.8 years ago
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    1,204 Jukkelus

    I have just found the Kraken. When I approached it, sky went dark and it rose from water and started to flail with tentacles and roar. I flew closer with my VTOL plane and when I got quite close I started hearing heartbeat and "speech" sounding like Tsk Tsssk Tsk repeated. I tried to land but Kraken's skin is like trampoline, it threw me into air and then I crashed. I saw no other planes (unmodded game).

    7.6 years ago
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    @Thefrenchdude22 the plane following me too was red, but it's name was "Twin Prop". I like to live dangerously and have AI Traffic to dense.

    +1 8.1 years ago
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    @KerbalVehiclesCompany well there was the red jet following me but when the kraken appeared, it wasn't following me anymore :/

    8.1 years ago
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    @Thefrenchdude22 That is the sound of the Kraken, with those whispering noises and grumbling nosies. Lol i bet it was filmed when Andrew Garrison had indigestion and was whispering :p. But did you see any planes following you?

    +1 8.1 years ago
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    @KerbalVehiclesCompany it's true i saw it too ! when it came out of the sea, the sky started to get dark and when it dissapeared, there was some sort of whispering

    8.1 years ago
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    To prove my story is true, start ar Krabloa and head 75. Once you are headed 75 I suggest you put on autopilot (if you are on pc) You will see this giant rock island. Fly towards it! Be careful for those moving tentacles. (I have not yet confirmed the Kraken's existence in simple planes Mobile.

    8.1 years ago
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    The bomber plane crash landed itself in one piece. It seems very unusual to me for an AI plane to land so perfectly about 50 feet away from the hangars facing the direction opposite of the hangars.

    8.1 years ago