Flown by an unknown pilot, this Bf-109 K-4, nicknamed "Nein du Nicht!" (Oh no you don't), was found and captured at an unknown airfield in Germany by American forces. Inside the cockpit was a list of aircraft shot down (as well as what planes they were), which amounted to seven kills. The aircraft was sent to the USA and is currently under restoration.
PS: This is a fictional aircraft, though I did look at actual Bf-109 K-4 aircraft for reference. The story is completely made up, but I hope you guys enjoy reading it. Constructive feedback is always welcome, and I plan on continuing a series like this.
It’s not showing up
I replicated your build @DestinyAviation
@SeanTurbineModifier Of course!
I might draw an Me-262, but I might do the HG II/III first. @BritishNarwhal7
my friends play the clarinet @EliteIndustries1
myself, I prefer the piano
ps. i would draw the narwhal
Ah. My brother plays trumpet @EliteIndustries1
Cool! I play the full size version at school @EliteIndustries1
And just remember; Practice makes perfect, because everybody's a narcissist! @EliteIndustries1
And I taught myself, so... @EliteIndustries1
;) @EliteIndustries1
Hey, with practice, you can draw something like this (or better)! It's taken me years, like 3 fat ones, to figure out how to draw something like this (or my profile picture). @EliteIndustries1
Yeah, the wings aren't right, but I was pressed for time, so there's my excuse! @MrSilverWolf
Sweet beans.
That looks pretty good!