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How's about we get some ravine flying maps.

12.9k poenix  8.0 years ago

I think someone sold make a map based on one or two of the maps in sky oydassy. The maps challenge players through level design and makes the maps enjoyable to fly through. Many of these map also have caves that are large enough to fly through but I'm not sure how SimplePlanes handles these kind of caves.

Here are some examples of these maps
this one has great examples but spoils the last level
this one shows another good example and doesn't spoil the game
this one shows a area loaded with trees to fly through along with some caves

What do ya think?

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    12.9k poenix

    @Cadin cool! I think I'll give it a try.

    8.0 years ago
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    30.8k Cadin

    @poenix I incorporated a little of this into the Island of Craetea on the new mod I've been tinkering with...

    Rocky Landings III - Connor Island

    It's nowhere near the level of sky odyssey, but if you find the gap at the edge you can find the stalactites!

    Download Unity and give it a whirl! :D

    8.0 years ago
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    12.9k poenix

    Fine but it's does put a good consept on the table for other moders @BirdOfSteel

    8.0 years ago
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    30.8k Cadin

    @poenix My Porpupine Island Mod is a bit like that with the AA, but it is quite difficult to make a cave in Unity; though it can be done.

    The problem is that the terrains are not visible from underneath, so you have to use polygons and voxels. You can however attach these voxels to "holes" in the terrain (Yes, you can make holes in the terrain but it is $, and is for Unity 4.6.0 and higher; while we use 3.6.1 mostly)!/content/8277

    I've had the same problems on one of my unreleased maps with a multitude of flying islands.

    If you you copy your project folder and put it in google drives and send the link, I should be able to make it work. And do you mean you can't save it, or it won't build properly? What are you receiving for warning messages?

    Really the simplest way for building a cave would be to cap it with a long cube, and lay another terrain upon the top face of the extruded cube (rectangle). If you wanted stalagtites, you could put another terrain on the bottom and have it all max height, and use the brush to paint the stalagtites lower...

    Food for thought!

    8.0 years ago
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    14.4k BirdOfSteel

    @poenix dont ask me to do it cause i quit the modding since i made a super cool map and cant save it

    8.0 years ago
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    12.9k poenix

    @BirdOfSteel maybe you could make a ravine and find a way to plug the top.

    Or if it isn't plausible to do it that way you could make the top of the ravine a extremely dangerous no-fly zone with AA.

    8.0 years ago
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    14.4k BirdOfSteel

    @poenix its not easy cause you cant make holes into the terrain

    8.0 years ago
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    12.9k poenix

    @BirdOfSteel I was wondering if it was going to be like that. Maybe theirs a trutorial for it online.

    8.0 years ago
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    14.4k BirdOfSteel

    good idea but i dont know how to make caves its a bit complicated

    8.0 years ago