Tucking him into bed he asked me "daddy, will you check under my bed for monsters?" And for his amusement I did, and when I checked, I saw him, another him and he whispered "daddy there's someone on my bed" . That's just one I found, if you guys know better ones leave them in the comments!
@FasterThanLight dude its like 2.15 a gallon in Georgia (US) but dang... by the litre...
When I'm running out if gas and the cheapest station charges $1.50 per Litre. (Thats Canada for you!)
Hearing a noise downstairs when your home alone...
Another one: One of my fears is deja vu, one of my fears is deja vu.
One sentence horror: I didn't believe in ghosts till I lived here
One sentence horror:
I found a picture of me sleeping on my phone, i live alone...
I can't move, breathe, speak or hear and it's so dark all the time - if I knew it'd be this lonely I would have been cremated instead.
@RailfanEthan XD
They say nothing bad can happen in nightmares, but I'm wide awake.
North Korea wasn't lying, apparently.
@MrSilverWolf lol yes
Oh I got one! School
@FearlessFabEngineering lol
copies script from some random horror movie
removes all full stops
There ya go!!!
@Fishbowl1121 there are children on this site you should be ashamed. ;)
Having food disappear is nice when you have a pet, but not when you are alone.