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{TEST} Are simpleplanes physics realistic? @CEDY

11.6k Sol  8.0 years ago

Plane used to test physics:


[1] The plane crashed nose first on a hill at the speeds of 80-90mph and only the propeller and connected parts were destroyed and slight damage on the wings but the plane was in very good condition

[2] With the same plane (same damage condition) was dropped off 10'000 feet and only managed to top speeds of 110mph also when it was dropping down it did not feel like it was reaching that amount of speed (increase this so it feels like it is going fast and meet its death) I tried adjusting the plane while in air and the plane went down and hit the airport with its tail and all that was destroyed was: 2x Horizontal stabilzers 1x Vertical stabilizer 1x Small fueslage
I was expecting more damage from that

Thats all the tests from now, I will update this post and add more stuff to it.


The plane was dropped from 10'000 feet again and this time hit the ground with its wing results!:

Propeller destroyed
All wings destroyed
Minor damage on main body

Main body only survived


Plane dropped from 10'000 feet

Results (LOL):
Plane was dropped was tilted so it hits the ground with its wings and what ONLY GETS DESTROYED?:

Left gear
Gear holdy thingy

wow this is a pretty tough plane...

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    375 TurklerRS

    @ProKillaV12 @Cedy has them dank planes. They are stronger than 5 dudes in negevs rushing b

    8.0 years ago
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    No Physics are not realistic, And neither is the damage model.

    8.0 years ago
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    11.6k Sol

    Because its @Cedys plane and his plane is REALLY STRONG like


    It survives a god damn 180mph crash

    8.0 years ago
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    why does the title say "@CEDY" now?

    8.0 years ago
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    11.6k Sol

    dank stuff you takine eh?

    8.0 years ago
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    11.6k Sol

    Oh wow test 3 was the best LOL lemme update@Fishbowl1121

    8.0 years ago
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    11.6k Sol

    It depends on planes I used this:
    Because it is more detailed and has realistic bodies

    Also I updated the post


    8.0 years ago