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Aircraft / boat / car always pointing left or right on takeoff / riding

434 MK82  8.0 years ago

Hi, I just bought my copy of SP on the MacAppstore; i guess it's the latest version. By the way, i tried to build 2 aircrafts and a boat (more like an hovercraft): the same problem i have, it's that my vehicle always points left whenever i start engine. I tried with just 1 centered engine, with 2 engines (distant 1 block from the tail's center), and for my boat, i tried putting water rudders pointing down, to keep it going straight... nothing. they always point left (in my boat, if i put inverted controls, right) without doing anything, and i simply cannot play like this. What's the problem? ;) thank you

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    434 MK82

    @MrSilverWolf the foils are symmetrical; i think is a matter of drag glitch, because if I raise the foils and run on the center fuselage, it stops. @AudioDud3 : here it does the same.

    8.0 years ago
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    14.4k BirdOfSteel

    you need more vertical stabilizer ^^

    8.0 years ago
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    It could also be adding to much power at the rear quickly, or that the tails aren't big enough, or aren't symmetrical (when you look under the wing settings with fuel and stuff there should be an option for non symmetrical or symmetrical airfoil for the wing and when it's not symmetrical it could pull the plane to the left or right)

    8.0 years ago
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    It could also be where you placed the engines

    8.0 years ago
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    Possibly uneven weight, and or the drag glitch of doom (it's when the same exact part on the other side of the plane has more drag for some reason although it's the same exact part as on the other side)

    8.0 years ago
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    434 MK82


    8.0 years ago
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    434 MK82

    @BogdanX nope, i cloned with mirroring, so they have equal settings; i also tried with just one centered engine, but does the same. nothing changes.

    8.0 years ago
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    434 MK82

    @BirdOfSteel thanks, but what if the plane is a hydroplane? has no gears, but still drifts and steers left or right with no possibility to avoid it. i'm getting mad.

    8.0 years ago
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    14.4k BirdOfSteel

    When the plane starts to steering to the left side change the suspension of the landing gear @BogdanX knows more about it

    8.0 years ago