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74.4k hopotumon  7.8 years ago


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This is King Icarrus
King icarrus being around to make sure all goes well. He also invited a few knights to participate enliven this challenge. In addition to a knight of the realm, he also invited some knights from the outside to secure the mission.
There are several knights who have agreed to attend as a team security, among others:
Gloster Meteor F-8
Eagle MK2
and several other knights that are currently in the confirmation.

King Icarus welcomed the knights, and welcome also the challenger. Hope you enjoy this challenge.

Just Remember the Roleplay:

THE FIRST PHASE(Daredevil Pre-Qualification Racing):
You must follow the Racing in Daredevil. This is done up to 3 times to fight with your opponent.
--- plane ALWAYS crashes are not able to follow the next phase.

SECOND PHASE (Close Quarters DogFight) :
you have to fight in close quarters. This is also done in 3 times to fight with your o opponent.
--- The loser on the FIRST ROUND can not enter the next phase.

THIRD PHASE (Spin Die Gliding):
you have to Spin Die Gliding For this phase, you simply do it by 1x duel with the Icarrus Prime The Challenger. ===== video
The fastest plane will be THE CHAMPION of this challenge.

The aircraft that does not comply with the rules (John Doe) still be allowed to take on this challenge but she had to face King Icarrus and some the best of the best Agressor what I gather from senior Simpleplanes users. I'll show you the best Agressor at the time of closing.

---- John Doe who survived to escape from the Agressor will get 2 extra upvotes and able to continue the challenge

To keep the bracket blank can be filled then King Icarrus also include some warriors as "intruders".

THE INTRUDERs for Empty Bracket:

Sky Hawk Jet Trainer
T-50 Golden Eagle Jet Trainer
MIG-15 Jet Trainer
DH-115 Vampire

THE KNIGHTS AS TERMINATOR to stop the fight too long:

Icarrus Agressor ====video
Icarrus Stealth ====video
Icarrus Interceptor === video

THE KNIGHTS to beat the John Doe:

the best of the best superfighter from some senior SimplePlanes users :
Gloster Meteor F-8
Eagle MK2

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    74.4k hopotumon

    @pushthelimits it doesn't matter. only aircraft that ALWAYS (3/3) crash who do not qualify in the first phase

    7.8 years ago
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    @hopotumon What happens if the other plane crashes first?

    7.8 years ago