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CargoUnion Flight-906 Mayday

77 Thrustworks  7.9 years ago

Tower radio record:
Pilot:CargoUnion Flight-906 to Jaeger International Airport,Taxiing on Taxiway Foxtrott2 direction Bravo,Ready for Departure

Instructor:CU-906 taxi to Runway 19R clear for Departure

6:00: The Pilot opens the Throttle,and The airplane accelerates. After only a fiew miles of Runway The Plane reaches V1 and lifts of.

A fiew seconds later,Pilot:CU-906, Pan Pan, Pan Pan, Pan Pan lost Engine 3, turning left to Runway 01L.

Instructor:CU-906, You have a free Way.

The Pilot pulls the Joystick to the right,but the airplane rolls to the left.

Pilot:Cu-906 Myday Mayday Mayday! Lost roll Control, going down!

A fiew seconds later, the airplane vanished from Radar.
The NTSB finds the Wreckage of the airplane at 12o´clock on a small Island left of Jaeger International Airport. To this day, no one knows What happened to CargoUnion Flight-906.
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I Hope you enjoyed my short story!

the Airport Data is from KingHandspider.