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[SEASON 3, ESP 1] Jundroo war RP, the renewed fight.

6,368 KDS  7.9 years ago

Spring, 2038


As new country's emerge, they grow their military forces. Growing in strength. Some of these new nations are the S.N.A.A, and Paternian republic.

These new powers continue to grow, Maywar and Paternian are at a standoff with each other. Ready for war, The Bandit Army (Krakabola), Sidus (Snowstone), and Maywar continue to make new machines of war. Everyone is preping for anything. The growing tension bewteeen Maywar and Parernian could spark war among a lot of the nations. What will you do about it? TBC....


I(Krakabola) The Bandit Army,

I (Snowstone) Sidus,

I Maywar,

I (Wright Isles) F.F.W.I,

TPN PUG Empire,

TPN Paternian Republic


I S.N.A.A,

I Simple Continent,

C NSA Military inc.

Tag explination

I = Island Nation
TPN = Third Party Nation
C = Company


Click this link


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Want to join the RP? Join the discord, read the rules and (new) battle system, then ask to be recruited or ask to join/create a faction! :)

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    Okay, thanks

    7.9 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    You don't need the MP mod. Just a discord account. @ReindeerNevve

    7.9 years ago
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    I can't get the multiplayer mod, so is it okay if I just build stuff? Like a manufacturer. Not in the actual war, but contributing?

    7.9 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @EternalDarkness Thanks! With your ships, we will have a modern navy.

    Well, most of your ships. There's still the North Point-class medium cruiser. That thing is LETHAL.

    7.9 years ago
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    @ChasingHorizon nah, I'll not actively participate. Peeps can use my units if they want and if the rules allow it.

    7.9 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    Okay. @ZephyrSystems

    7.9 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    It takes place inside the SP map. And how the battles work is in the discord server. @ZephyrSystems

    7.9 years ago
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    8,452 Testin123


    Looks:like a psychic



    7.9 years ago
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    @KDS ok, anyone can buy from me (not upload as their own). I won't participate in conflicts, because nukes and the most powerful realistic navy on SP. Also, as a large manufacturer, I could simply spam opposition with missile bombings, almost infinite airstrikes, and could bribe armies into siding with me to operate my armament for me.

    7.9 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    They can get involved in war too. They just aren't very powerful compared to a Third Party Nation. They can be independent selling or loyal to a country. Though mostly they make cool tech to sell to the larger nations. @EternalDarkness

    7.9 years ago
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    What do companies do? Just produce stuff that factions can purchase?

    7.9 years ago