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Islands From Above Labeled

14.4k Avro683Lancaster  8.0 years ago

it is foggy, as Maywar is BIG
I couldn't find the Convoy in this picture


Wright Isles
Wright Isles


Sky Park City
least foggy as it is the smallest and I didn't fly as high

pictures taken with @BogdanX 's

Lockheed U-2S "Dragon Lady"

Lockheed U-2S "Dragon Lady" (but with an added camera under the port equipment pod)

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    @FarrowAirlines no, it would be too big. on this laptop (AMD A4-6210 APU with Radeon R3 graphics 1.80 GHz) it runs about 3 fps

    8.0 years ago
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    @Testin123 about half an hour for the pictures, a day for labels, and about five minutes to upload the labeled pictures

    8.0 years ago
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    8,452 Testin123

    It probably took ye forever to do this.

    8.0 years ago