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First Tor War - Branch Off: Battle of Odin Port, Overus Prime

13.6k PyrusEnderhunter  8.0 years ago

Odin Port is the largest Continuum spacecraft docking complex on Overus Prime. Boasting dozens of bays that can dock 12 Sentian Dreadnaughts, EACH.... with room to spare.

The Battle: The battle begins when a series of massive quantum disturbances are detected by Sentian molecular disturbance radar (MDR). It turned out to be an armada of 20 Tor ships. It was one Kingship, surrounded by a bunch of destroyers. Within minutes, the Tors released their swarms of landing ships, with orders to exterminate all life forms on the surface to make room for colonizing crews. It was at this point when a dispatch fleet, consisting of 8 Centauri II Class Dreadnaughts and 12 Leviathan III Class Super carriers entered the scene, and released their hundreds of thousands of E-58 Condors, a new super-capable VTOL fighter designed to operate in the cramped quarters of asteroid belts. The Continuum also sent a fleet of over 20 Gracilla Class Carriers, and 25 Excision MKIIs. Each Gracilla was equipped with swarms of the brand new Deathhadder heavy fighters, nicknamed by the Sentians as "The Barbarians of the Continuum" due to their heavy armor, and weapon hard-points.

Continuum troops on the ground, equipped with solid projectile firing rail rifles, practically cut the invaders to pieces. A few batallions of Sentian marines also took place in the defense of Odin Port, using their Arc Series weapons to also cause significant damage to the rushing Tor waves. This is also the battle where prominent weapons like the ARC-49 "Hammer" LMG and hovering A-104 "Soulless" Jaguar tanks were introduced.

Results: The battle was a dazzling success. Continuum dreadnaughts armed with their railguns, along with particle beam cannons of the Sentian force, completely disintegrated the Tor invaders. The invaders were also slaughtered without mercy. With as stunning 20 civilian casualties, and 5,849 Continuum and Sentian soldier casualties (mostly wounded). On the other hand, the Tors suffered over 250,000 deaths, not counting the hundreds of thousands of bull-hounds also used.

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    53.5k Ephwurd

    @ErvenDynamics well, not much really. just stick to the theme colors

    7.9 years ago
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    53.5k Ephwurd

    @ErvenDynamics nice! Continuum faction colors are black and cyan

    7.9 years ago
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    53.5k Ephwurd

    @ErvenDynamics That's nice!

    7.9 years ago
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    53.5k Ephwurd

    @ErvenDynamics we currently have three open factions: Continuum (Human), ISFOS(alien allies) and Tors (alien enemies).

    7.9 years ago
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    53.5k Ephwurd

    @ErvenDynamics as long as you can build spaceships, you can join! you have to familiarize yourself with the lore first, and choose which faction to join @PyrusEnderHunter

    7.9 years ago
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    @ErvenDynamics I guess so @Ephwurd

    7.9 years ago
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    @ErvenDynamics I guess so @Ephwurd

    7.9 years ago
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    @ErvenDynamics fictional SCI-FI RP

    7.9 years ago
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    53.5k Ephwurd

    @PyrusEnderhunter sounds good to me! I'd like to see all my ships in action

    8.0 years ago
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    53.5k Ephwurd

    @PyrusEnderhunter the Continuum still has Grecillia, the Continuum Defense Force HQ. As for ISFOS, you may have to set up your own command center in one of your planets

    8.0 years ago
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    @PyrusEnderhunter yeeea!!

    8.0 years ago
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    @JoddyFubuki788 I will include ur squadron in another story. For example, escorting a fleet of Continuum and Sentian vessels stationed in the atmosphere of a world.

    8.0 years ago
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    @Ephwurd Overdus Prime was a lifeline for both the I.S.F.O.S and the Continuum. It needed to be saved. Desperate measures needed to be taken.

    8.0 years ago
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    @Ephwurd Teehee!

    8.0 years ago
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    53.5k Ephwurd

    @JoddyFubuki788 that sounds like a pretty good idea!

    8.0 years ago
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    @Ephwurd i could make super pack more capable for space ops and thicker armor~

    8.0 years ago
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    53.5k Ephwurd

    @JoddyFubuki788 but their one advantage is that they can both operate in air and space, giving them an edge over starfighters in terms of combat theatres.

    8.0 years ago
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    53.5k Ephwurd

    @JoddyFubuki788 but their maneuverability is hindered (they use both flaps and RCNs for controls, and when in space they can only use RCNs, and starfighters has double the amount of RCNs since they are space-dedicated, giving the starfighters superior maneuverability.), and their armor is weaker (aerospace fighters need to maintain aerodynamics thus having to reduce weight for streamlining).

    8.0 years ago
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    @Ephwurd welp... They have all the stuff u need even for space combats

    8.0 years ago
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    53.5k Ephwurd

    @JoddyFubuki788 While they are multirole when flying in atmosphere, aerospace fighters wouldn't stand a chance against a true starfighter in a dogfight. It's better off as an interceptor/bomber in space.

    8.0 years ago
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    @Ephwurd how about my squad with revised F/A-40X (Jumped out scheme from EX that revamped and completely become supreme multirole)

    8.0 years ago
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    53.5k Ephwurd


    8.0 years ago
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    53.5k Ephwurd

    Overus Prime was saved from the Tors, but that wasn't the last of it.

    8.0 years ago
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    53.5k Ephwurd

    *spatial distortion buoys may work instead of MDRs, There can only be one Grecillia-Class supercarrier per battlefleet due to its rarity, you could have used the Liberation-Class as they are far more numerous is number, and Excision-Class dreadnoughts are usually placed as flotilla leaders with destroyer escorts, not a whole pack of them. But overall it's a great chapter, I may need to rework the starmap to include Overus Prime.

    8.0 years ago
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    8.0 years ago
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