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Gran Turismo 6 Track Requests?

279 Nuteboy100  8.0 years ago

Hello! I am Nuteboy100 here to take requests for custom tracks on the game "Gran Turismo 6" for PS3/PS4. I have finally modded the track path editor, so suggest any track with many intersections or hillclimbs you want.

1) It must follow both SimplePlanes and Gran Turismo 6 rules*, because I will be playing your tracks online with others, so this means:
• No penis shaped tracks, or other sexual content
• No violent content
• Nothing impossible, because I have to verify it.
2) You can do as many intersections, hillclimbs, jumps, tight turns, WHATEVER you want (follow requirement 1 though.)
3) Your following track cannot exceeds the limits for the following themes:
• Death Valley - 21miles
• Eifel Flat - 10miles
• Andalusia - 19miles
• Eifel - 10miles
4) Include an image of your requested track map, if possible. Real or Hand drawn.
5) If requirement 4 cannot be met, describe the track very specifically
6) No track depicting vulgar gestures or profane language (again, see requirement 2 for details)

After you requested a track that meets the requirements above, I will reply to see if I will make your track. I won't get to do all, possibly due to the 30 track slot limit. If you get denied, it means that I may have received too many and it got buried (most least likely scenario), it doesn't meet the requirements, or I have exceeded the 30 limit.

Have a good night!

*The track must meet SimplePlanes rules due to it being posted in the site.

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    0 Jemuca

    Hello, just wondering if you are still doing tracks? Cheers

    4.8 years ago
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    1,395 legendary666 am i late? Cuz i just made a GT6 track

    and no, not to make it in GT6

    6.1 years ago
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    If you are an expert at modding apps, you can go to the app's code on the computer and change it to make no barriers, unlimited amount of track, and extreme elevation.

    8.0 years ago
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    Ok. How do you do that stuff? @Nuteboy100

    8.0 years ago
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    Plus, it is that you request a track, and I do it, meaning all you have to do is request a track for me to do. Then wait.

    8.0 years ago
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    @jamesPLANESii well, I modded the app. Which allows me to make any track in any length, crazy elevations, out of boundary tracks, and tight turns. So, you can request any track (plus, all metrics are in miles, not kilometers.

    8.0 years ago
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    With requirement 3, can't build tracks over 10km anyway.

    8.0 years ago