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14.5k Gemista  7.9 years ago

I think they should add some sort of tail gunners, turrets, and swivel guns. I would like ball turrets, dorsal turrets, tail guns, waist guns, rear gunners for dive bombers, and a TBF Avenger style ball turret. In each gun, there would be a camera with crosshairs. Upvote if you agree.

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    14.5k Gemista

    Thx @Zanedavid

    7.3 years ago
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    14.5k Gemista

    Thx @Modderman123

    7.9 years ago
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    This is a great idea!!

    7.9 years ago
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    14.5k Gemista

    @ChiChiWerx , I couldn't have said it better myself

    7.9 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    @Gemista you can build some really realistic, good-looking turrets. Yes, it does take time, but I wouldn't dismiss the comment with a "they're tedious and unrealistic". What I will agree with, though, is that it would be really nice if there were some better way to control a built turret on a flying aircraft. I find that the only way to aim one is to use a camera which is slaved to the guns, and even then, it's impossible to hit anything. Plus, if you want your aircraft to actually stay in control, you need to use the VTOL control, but that only works for one axis at a time. If you throw trim in there for control, that works, but it's unrealistic to expect a realistic build to not use trim to aid control, so trim is already used for aircraft control...

    7.9 years ago
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    14.5k Gemista

    @destroyerP , I know, but it is tedious and unrealistic

    7.9 years ago
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    29.2k destroyerP

    Turret? You can make them with fuselage

    7.9 years ago