I think it would be a cool map to have! The textures for it shouldn't be to hard to make, and in my opinion, we need more jumps! Purpose built fun! I went to monster jam in the GA dome and am still kinda on a high from it xD. So what do do y'all think?
That would be cool! @aircraftarsenal123
Thanks! Definitely one of my favorites for just flat out bashing, hopefully I'll have some competition soon ;) @Luuk2909
Yeah yours is freaking cool btw! @aircraftarsenal123
oh yeah that stinks. I've built a monster truck as well, and just haven't found any monster worthy jumps :( @Luuk2909
I am making some monstertrucks with my brother! That indeed would be cool, to bad i am on ios @aircraftarsenal123
same @EliteIndustries1