My first on is about aircraft refueling. I like the sound of aircraft refueling. Mostly flying cause of how hard it is. There is two ways. Obviously ground and air but this is easier on all of us flying planes. Second is plane damage. Instead of one hit, make it where the plane takes damage then catches on fire then kaboom, explodes. Last one is rearming. Rearm any weapons. When in an airbase or a carrier. I hope to see these but not everything happens and remember these are just suggestions for make
I got a plane more simulative.
@Avro683Lancaster if you press that, every enemy you killed wlll just come back, so whats the point, you are restarting the entire sandbox not rearming or repairing
True but why stop if you can't see what you plane is capable of @Avro683Lancaster.
@Avro683Lancaster @Treash Ha, got em
Refuelling and rearming are achieved by the restart here button