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How to build a good plane (Not click bait, legit, Used by SpiritusRaptor!)

8,452 Testin123  7.9 years ago

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This will make you a professional plane builder and reach platinum in no time! SpiritusRaptor approved!

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    What do you even think you mean by: "Used by SR"? The below explains my point. V V V

    7.9 years ago
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    I think that it is up to you, if you think that this post is appropriate and displays you and the other commenters in a favorable light then by all means... leave it up.

    And your excuse is a bit lack luster, if you really linked this video because you couldn't believe it flew then you would have left some hint of that in the body of this post. Instead you chosen to poke fun at your perception of the users skill level in a passive aggressive way.

    But hey, if that's the way you want to come across like that to everyone then you do that buddy.

    7.9 years ago
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    8,452 Testin123

    @TheLatentImage I don't think he visited the website... and that video is over a year old. But, if I have to, I'll delete this post. I just couldn't believe that it flew, because he didn't bother to look at the 3 c's.

    7.9 years ago
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    It's good to see you guys supporting another creator in this way with nothing but valuable and constructive feedback for them to learn from and grow. That's really swell of you guys to do something like that. @Tully2001 @Testin123

    Seriously... you would have an absolute fit if you were to stumble across something like this and you were the subject. What makes you think that it's cool to do it to someone else?

    7.9 years ago
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    8,452 Testin123

    @Tully2001 It can't be yours. He builds 18373646462817 googleplex times better than you.

    7.9 years ago
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    8,452 Testin123

    You can barely hear him. It might be a good thing... his newer videos revolve around fake farts and cat litter (sometimes used). You can tell he's reading what to say, because he's stumbling over his words and his eyes are moving to the side, and eventually restart at the beginning. I'm sorry for sharing this youtuber.

    7.9 years ago
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    75.0k hopotumon


    7.9 years ago