Thank you for following me but, There is one very small problem.
I do not know who all my followers are! So if you can tell me here that would be great! Thanks
Thank you for following me but, There is one very small problem.
I do not know who all my followers are! So if you can tell me here that would be great! Thanks
@MyMessage I am following
@Dwyatt4 lol Thats not true
ever one follow me i am My messages other account
Ok @Davisplanez
kay, I gotta go. be back in an hour in a half.
nope, dang it!
alright, that might work. I'm waiting now.
Did it work? @Davisplanez
yeah, I was raging. :)
Sometimes it takes a few minutes, try logging in again and see if it worked. @Davisplanez
Ok, hmm @Davisplanez
When you tried did you already have 100 points on your SimplePlanes account? @Davisplanez
I tried, but it didn't work! :(
Why don’t you use your simple Planes account and get 100 points? @Davisplanez
yep! (not lying either)
Wow! @Davisplanez
YOUR SHAMPOOP!?!?! @Davisplanez
yes, it's called "shampoop"
Do you have a SimpleRockets2 account? @Davisplanez
I am!
Thanks! @Gemista
Yah I know@helilover03