If you would like me to test fly one of your planes, message me with a link to a plane and I will see what you may need to work on.
If you would like me to test fly one of your planes, message me with a link to a plane and I will see what you may need to work on.
@helilover03 I'll try to work on it tomorrow.
@helilover03 Is it called "airframe"?
@helilover03 lol its fine.
@helilover03 I cannot find the plane you need me to test..
Rip Bones ;_;7
@helilover03 BONES ENDED!!!??
@helilover03 Yeah I do not have high-Speed internet on my area so..
@helilover03 It's up to you, either way is fine.
@helilover03 one way to send a link of a plane is to post the plane, go to the search bar and copy the link in the search bar. If that make ANY sense at all...
Ok that's fine. @helilover03
I will try. @helilover03
@helilover03 Hit me.
@Fishbowl1121 you there?
I can do both. Bit if possible I will do the fighter.