I know I mentioned this several times before but I really think this should be added in the next update. There should be a piece orientation tool in the game. The FineTuner and Overload mods allow you to change peice rotation and location but I want more editing powers in single pieces. Especially the rotaters. I want the ability to set the angle the rotaters will be in the sandbox builder. That together with precise rotation and location will make building planes and other things much easier and better.
@Someonetotheleft yeah.
@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Yea I mean specific angles but also how the pieces are positioned. Like being able to rotate the joint part of a hinge rotater to a certain angle rather than the whole piece.
You can rotate parts 90° Ingame without any mods. If you mean specific angles, then yeha we need that.