Feel free to post improvements or changes that you would like me to implement in to old/new/early access/future aircraft (early access is for my sp friends only and will always be unlisted)
Feel free to post improvements or changes that you would like me to implement in to old/new/early access/future aircraft (early access is for my sp friends only and will always be unlisted)
Here is one of my older attack helicopters link
Oh and@Joco80
Probably tonight
Once done with testing I'll put it up for early access for you and a couple others
Anyways the f4 is finished except a few fianal touches and glitches stability while still an issue its flyable just don't add a lot of pitch to your turns
Ok I'm back @joco80
@doge Okay
Ok will do 4u gtg state test (they suck) be back later@Joco80
@doge Great!
Also thef4 is ahead of schedule by like a lot @Joco80
@doge Okay, how about a small, fast attack helicopter..
Large bombers and occasionally helicopters @Joco80
@doge Okay, what kind of stuff are you best at?
Ok I guess SSgtWolf it going to be awile before I can get around to it though I guess I could finish my f4u corsehair (yes I know I spelt it wrong) still going to be a week or 2 before I get around to it because I have other things I'm working on
Also not much of a replica person @joco80@SSGTWolf
not making a p47 (it's ugly)
@doge I was hoping you'll make a prop fighter, probably a p-47 so I could see how good you are at building.
Do you do replicas? If so, of what era?
@doge I just got back but gtg!
one of my newer aircraft