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Snowstone Observations and theories.

8,054 MaximusTheMinimus  7.9 years ago

So I was flying around Snowstone at low altitude in my F-15S/MTD and I thought: " so if Avalanche airport has radar and fuel tanks, the why do none of the other 3 airfields on the Wright Isles and Krakoabla? " I also observed that the airfield is on the complete opposite side of the island from the ice base and undermountain docking bay for ships. It seems like an entire military complex, with a Naval base ( Below the ice base, connects to all major canals and rivers through Snowstone. ) An AA setup, with laser interception technologies, and an AFB inside of that-why keep 85? of the island so heavily defended?

What if the massive radar dishes and fuel tanks were a mere attempt at reclaiming and ultimately freeing the island from the hostile environment caused by the Ice Base? What if Snowstone is in a secret war that was never seen? If you look at the murals on the Maywar pyramid, you can even see a mural of something resembling an F-117 Nighthawk... The first ever stealth aircraft to ever take to the skies. Not only that, but it was a bomber/attack aircraft. And how do 99.999 percent of assault attempts on the Base go? Infernos, Rocket Pods, Boom 25/50s? But if the radar was being used to combat aircraft, could they be used for surveillance, missile control, or even just scaring off pilots with constant reconnaissance of the area. It could be used for or against you.

What I'm saying is, there's 2 sides to everything. If Snowstone IS at war of at least in a cease fire during a conflict, there are a lot of signs to tell you that, subtle as they may be...