Are there on the site any low parts count replicas of planes like f-22, f-35, f-16 or WW2 planes. My computer is really bad and even Commondore was faster. If it will be your own plane, I will upvote it. Or a ground vehicle, like a jeep, tank, ICBM luncher or SAM luncher. By low parts I mean 200 and lower.
Check out mine
Check out my designs.
@Zandgard they are amazing, but playing in 15 FPS isn't my dream. But I will get new PC soon, so I will check all your planes
@Ctracerx2 WOW, you are the God. <100 parts and quality as good as platinium users
@Zandgard ok, I will check them
I have made some WW2 replica they are not amazing but ther are replica and have a low part number and I have made a Jeep