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Plane physics Tips?

32 Cooperiscool  7.4 years ago

I have absolutely no trouble whatsoever with making a cool looking airplane, but when it comes to the actual flight of the airplane, I can never get it off the ground. I have the center of mass in front of the center of lift, and both are located near the back of the craft. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'll upload the craft.

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    The CoL supposed to be in the middle of the plane or whatever you at making. The COT can be place in front or back of the craft based on what you are using. For CoM should be closer to the front of the craft behind the wings.

    7.4 years ago
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    30.1k ChiChiWerx

    Try a bigger horizontal stab and bigger elevator. Plus, try and put your rear landing gear (with a tricycle gear airplane) closer to the CoM, so the airplane can "rotate" around the CoM and then takeoff. Good news to all this is that you'll learn a lot about what and how an airplane flies.

    7.4 years ago
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    9,430 CALVIN232

    ayy my last name is cooper I would have the username ccooper but it was taken strange thing is I end up making friends with him well he upvoted a lot of my planes and taught me how to get a plane working the basics od more speed = faster takeoff truth be told enough speed and you don't need wings to fly the wings mainly help steer the plane and keep it going in the right direction which you can even use thrust for I'd suggest going though the tutorials all of them first then once you have learned how to get airborne use the info on your planes start simple then as you learn to make well flying plane take a look though others test them fly them enjoy them comment what you liked or what you feel could be improved and upvote if you liked it remember to be polite but what you can do is ether build off the plane changing everything to add improvements making sure to credit and change enough so its not a copy or you can strip the build for parts agaim make sure to credit when you use the parts id suggest when putting them it sun assembly's label it as what it is and the name of the original maker makes crediting easy I wish I had at the start in stead I had to track down the original build to find who to credit or you can also jus take the planes apart and learn how they work id suggest the ones that come with the game first and keep doing it to any plane on here that makes you think how does that work? anyway this is a great community who often put things out to help other look for them they will help you a lot also you can do collabs where 2 team up to make 1 great build you say you good with the ascetics (looks) there are some who are good with the flying but not the looks you could team up with them also feel free to ask anyone for help

    7.4 years ago
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    The bigger the front wings, the easier it is to take off. Just don't make them 15 miles long.

    7.4 years ago
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    I'll try that.

    7.4 years ago
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    14.5k Gemista

    Try moving the COL and COM forward a bit

    7.4 years ago